Sunday, June 7, 2009


There are many pros and cons of methanol fuel, but this alternative energy source can play a part in meeting the energy needs of the future. Methanol may also be called wood alcohol or M85 which is a blend of 85% percent methanol mixed with 15% gasoline. This type of biofuel is similar to ethanol and is very efficient and clean burning, making it eco friendly. Methanol is produced using a process that starts with methane gas and then uses steam and catalysts to turn this gas into biofuel. There are a few disadvantages to methanol, because this fuel does not operate as well in cold weather, but this problem has been fixed when M85 is created instead of a straight methanol mixture. Methanol does not contribute to global warming or pollution, and is a very powerful alternative fuel source.
Another earth friendly option is the biomass fuel biobutanol as direct replacement of gasoline. Biobutanol offers many benefits. This fuel is a better alternative than ethanol and fossil fuels. Biobutanol does not have a corrosive effect like ethanol, and requires less engine maintenance and repair. It does not evaporate as quickly as other fuels, so it can be stored much longer without losing effectiveness. There is no conversions or alterations needed to a traditional gasoline engine to burn biobutanol fuel instead, so switching over can be very convenient and simple to do. It is a biofuel which is low cost, clean burning, and could be used right now in place of traditional gasoline and other fossil fuels.
Liquefied Petroleum Gas, also known as LPG, is another solution to using fuels which do not pollute or speed up global warming, even though this fuel is really a fossil fuel found in the earth. What is a liquefied petroleum gas? This fuel is a naturally occurring gas that can be found around other fossil fuel reserves in the earth, and is a combination of both propane and butane gas. This fuel is carbon based, but half a million vehicles in the U.S are LPG fueled and it does not have a negative impact on the environment. The gas is highly pressurized and there is an airtight delivery system, so no gas can get into the air. This fuel reduces sulfur in the air and acid rain, as well as greenhouse emissions and air pollution.
Another alternative method is to use municipal solid waste management to produce biomass fuel. This technology takes municipal solid waste, or garbage, and turns it into biofuels which can power your car, as well as electricity and heat for your home. Cellulosic ethanol and biodiesel can be produced from municipal solid waste. All organic materials can be used in these processes to provide biofuels which are safer and nicer to the earth and environment. Biofuels cut down on carbon emissions and greenhouse gases, and will not contribute to global warming. A few third world countries have objected to biofuels because of food shortages, but using municipal solid waste to produce biofuels does not affect the food supply at all.
One alternative and renewable fuel source is waste vegetable oil, also called WVO. The future of waste vegetable oil, just like the future of municipal solid waste management, is strong and bright for the same reasons. Both technologies take something that has been discarded and turns it into a valuable energy resource. Many people have seen commercials and news stories about cars and owners who use discarded waste vegetable oil for fuel. The oil must be strained, but that is the only disadvantage. The energy needs of the future must be met with environmentally friendly sources, and WVO can be one of these.


The growing global demand for energy has caused a steep rise in energy prices, notably for petroleum-based fuels which are the prime source of energy for most of the world's power plants, machinery, and transportation. As more and more so-called "fossil fuels" are burned to create energy, there has also been a steep rise in the emission of polluting gases around the world. Personal automobiles are the main culprit, since they produce most of the cardon dioxide (CO2) released daily into the atmosphere. CO2 is considered a "greenhouse gas," trapping heat from the sun at the surface of the earth much the way a greenhouse traps heat inside its glass walls.
Biofuels are by definition any fuel that, by being burned, can be converted to energy, and that is produced from a biological source. Since a biological source is also a renewable one, biofuels are reproducible. Unlike fossil fuels of which there is a fixed amount on earth, biofuels can continue to be produced so long as a source of biomass is available. The types of raw material that be converted into biofuel include organic plants, animals (especially animal fat), and even animal and human waste material.
One type of fuel already being produced from biological sources is biodiesel. This fuel, which burns cleaner than its petroleum-based cousin, can be used by most diesel engines without any need for conversion. Many companies are already involved in the production and distribution of a form of biodiesel known as B20. B20 is a mixture of petroleum-based diesel and biofuel "diesel equivalent."
Biofuel is already being made from corn and soy, for example. But using corn and soy has correspondingly driven up the demand for both foods, which while being ideal for biofuel production, are also consumed as food by people around the globe. Using these foods for biofuel has pushed up their cost considerably, which in turn has created food shortages in some areas of the world. This has produced an unexpected quandary for biofuel proponents.
If biofuel is ever to become a true alternative to fossil fuels, a way is needed out of this quandary. One possibility is the use of algae as a biofuel foodstock. Algae have the advantage of being a non-food source which can be produced in areas not already being used to grow other types of food. Corn, soy and cottonseed must be grown on arable land. Algae can be grown in pools, in warm climates around the world, and acre per acre algae yield over a hundred times the quantity of biomass of soybeans.
Since algae take in, rather than produce, carbon dioxide, the very foodstock being used to create biofuel can itself be a cause for a reduction in a significant greenhouse gas. Algae biofuel farms could therefore benefit from a dual income stream. The first is from the sale of the algae itself to refineries for the production of biofuel. The second is income generated from the use of the algae farm as a consumer of other forms of pollution.
Some companies have recognized the benefit to poorer communities of developing the market for biofuels while at the same time encouraging the development of foodstock supplies such as algae farms. These companies are planning to encourage production of foodstock for biofuel in poorer countries to supply the energy needs of more developed areas of the world should raise everyone's quality of life, both in economic terms and in terms of encouraging a cleaner global environment.
Mr. Naved Jafry is the head of Zeon Global Energy. Zeon is committed to produce and promote the biofuels. For more information about ZEON please visit is a social network newswire service providing members with a wealth of applications that enable them to create an in depth profile within To create your profile ( sign up and within minutes you too can have your People profile running your ads and building your network with new members daily.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

How To Make Biodiesel: The Three Choices of Using Biofuel

Biodiesel becomes more and more popular every year. It's popularity probably derives from the fact that biodiesel is so cheap and relatively easy to be made. You can make it in your own backyard or kitchen. It is far better than the original petro-diesel, it's cleaner and better for the environment and your health. Let's talk about the three options you have when running a diesel engine on biofuel.
All three options can be used with vegetable oils, animal fat or both (it doesn't matter if you use fresh or used oils):
- You can use the oil as it is - You can mix the oil with another chemical supplement like kerosene, or gasoline or petroleum etc. - You can convert the oil to biodiesel
Using the oil as it is can be clean and effective. Not to mention cheap also. But you have to make modifications to the diesel engine so that it is optimized for vegetable oil. You can find pre-modified diesel engines where you can use petro diesel, biodiesel and pure vegetable oil in any combination. There are engines with separate fuel tanks and a switch, you fill one tank with vegetable oil and the other tank with original petroleum diesel. Then you just turn on the engine using the tank with the original petroleum diesel and after a while you switch to the tank with the vegetable oil.
Mixing the oil with other supplements is your second option. Because vegetable oil is thick you mix it with a different type of fuel to make it thinner so that it flows easily into the combustion chamber of your diesel engine. Remember that using petroleum or kerosene to mix the vegetable oil, is not a clean option though. You can make various mixes (for example 20% vegetable oil and 80% of another diesel fuel). Some claim that if you use such a mix you have to preheat the engine, others just start the engine and go without preheating.
Your final option (and by far the best, in my opinion) is to convert the vegetable oil into biodiesel. Because biodiesel works in any diesel engine without the need to make any conversion or modifications to the fuel system or the engine itself. Just fill and go. Biodiesel is a much safer, clean, ready to use fuel that's well tested. This option unlike the other two is backed by thousands of short-term and long-term research and tests by scientists around the world.
It's a shame you buy so much expensive energy from you local electric company or the gigantic oil companies when you can learn how to make your own biodiesel easily and effectively in your own backyard. Take a look at this free biodiesel ebook on how to make biodiesel. The information on the book is straight from the university of Idaho.

Biodiesel - A Greener Fuel

Biodiesel is a biofuel which is produced from organic oils or fats, and can be used in diesel engines. The technical name for standard biodiesel is alkyl methyl ester. Generally, this is made from reacting vegetable oil and methanol using a catalyst, resulting in a molecule that contains hydrogen, carbon and oxygen. The presence of oxygen in the molecule helps to make it a cleaner burning fuel. Although some diesel engines can run on straight vegetable oil (SVO), this is not genuine biodiesel and does not share all of its advantages.
As biodiesel comes from organic carbon sources, it is carbon neutral. This means that burning it does not add carbon to the earth's biosphere (the biosphere includes the atmosphere and all living things). When plants photosynthesize, they use up carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and turn it into organic molecules such as oils. When you burn these oils, you simply return the carbon to the atmosphere. This is unlike the burning of fossil fuels, where fossil carbon is released and increases the amount of carbon in the atmosphere. However, be aware that some fossil carbon is burned in the production of biodiesel, so it is not a totally carbon neutral fuel.
Compared to fossil diesel, biodiesel--
  • has similar viscosity (it's runny like diesel, not gooey like vegetable oil)
  • has superior lubricating properties
  • has little effect on engine power
  • produces lower CO2 emissions
  • produces lower particulate (soot) emissions
  • is much more biodegradable
  • is much less toxic (10 times less toxic than common salt)
  • is much less flammable, and therefore safer to handle and transport
There is some debate as to the effect of using biodiesel on NOx emissions. NOx is a term for oxides of nitrogen, which help to form smog. Using biodiesel usually results in a slight increase in NOx production. This may be reduced by the use of catalytic converters on modern diesel engines.
There are some minor difficulties to overcome when using biodiesel in an older car or truck. Biodiesel is slightly corrosive to rubber seals and hoses which are often found on old diesel engines. Replacing these rubber components with modern, corrosion resistant parts is usually very cheap. The chemical properties of biodiesel will also dislodge dirt. This can clog the fuel filter, which has to be examined regularly for the first 500 miles and replaced if need be.
It is possible to mix biodiesel with fossil diesel and run it in an unmodified engine. The mixtures are named by their biodiesel content. B5 contains 5% biodiesel and 95% fossil diesel, and can be used in the majority of modern cars and trucks with no ill effect. The 5% biodiesel content gives a measurable reduction in CO2 and soot production. B20, which is 20% biodiesel and 80% fossil diesel, is another common mixture. B100 is 100% biodiesel, and although most modern diesel engines will run on it with minimal modifications, it may void the warranty. Some manufacturers allow owners to use commercial biodiesel without losing their warranty protection.
Biodiesel can be made from used vegetable oil. This is an excellent idea, because the oil has already served its purpose and would be thrown away, so using it as a clean fuel is a bonus. Some people make their own DIY biodiesel. It is a simple process that could be done by anybody who took chemistry at high school. They usually use vegetable oil given to them by local hotels and restaurants. Safety procedures should be followed, because toxic chemicals such as methanol and caustic soda are used. The legality of this varies between countries. Tax may have to be paid on the DIY biodiesel before it is used.
Making biodiesel from specially grown crops is more controversial, especially from crops such as palm oil, which are grown in huge plantations in the third world. The growth of these crops may cause significant environmental damage. Crops such as oilseed grown in the western world are a better choice, but it would be impossible to grow enough to completely replace fossil diesel with biodiesel. Recent experiments have shown that algae are a promising source of organic oils, so biodiesel may yet become a major carbon neutral fuel source of the future.
L.J. Martin is a writer who holds a BSc(Hons) degree in Environmental Science. You can read more of his environment guides at the Eejits Guides website.

Biofuels and BioDiesel; There is a snag

Growing our fuel sounds like a brilliant answer to our issues with the thirst this country has for oil. What a perfect plan to help the American Farmer and Agricultural Sector. Indeed on first glance it looks like a perfect solution, given to us from the Gods. Yet on further examination; there’s a catch. What catch you say; secretly in the back of your mind accusing me as being part of a general conspiracy to defraud the American People of healthy air, low priced fuel and freedom from Middle Eastern Oil. Well I am neither an oil producer or gainfully employed of any multi-national conglomerate in the oil industry.
I am somewhat troubled that the gentlemen behind bio-diesel, ethanol or bio-fuels seldom discuss the water usage needed to grow our fuel or the water usage needed to process it. For instance it takes 10 gallons of water in Processing at the refinery and it takes quite a bit of water to grow the crop to make the fuel. So in areas like NE, ND, SD, MT, WY, KS, CO, ID, NV, CA and this year even OR and WA, we just don't have the water supply to get to the goal of 5% to 8% biofuels in a decade.
In not mentioning the water issue it is somewhat misleading, but as politics go it is not completely unexpected. Further more we must understand that biofuels cost more to produce and to make up the difference some states are waiving taxes on biofuels. Some states when compounded with the federal tax on fuel are as much as $ .45 per gallon. This lost revenue in the state is expected to be made up through payroll taxes of those in the states offering the fuel tax discounts, since many state residents will have jobs in the growing and production of the biofuels.
Is there an answer to the extreme water usage needed to grow our fuel? Well yes and no. In states like NM, MT there is barely enough drinking and fire season could run them completely out of water. The Midwest does not have the water needed to grow all our fuel or even get to the ultimate goal of 12% Biofuels and biofuel blends, yet proponents of growing our fuel say we can supply all the fuel we need and even export some. The scientists believe that with continued work in GM crops, that the refining process can be lowered to only 2 gallons of water for every one gallon produced and we already have drought resistant GM seeds which can get us there. Others say at best we can only half the water usage since the organic oil in the crops is only one-third of the yield, the other two-thirds would be used for food and feed.
We all know that the GM crop debate is a huge one and even with the terminator seeds from Monsanto, which would prevent the problems of the seeds escaping into the wild, the organic farmers and entire contingency of anti-GM crops will continue the protests and launch a tirade of lawsuits. There is another group, which says “life is not for sale” and taken to extreme this would in fact in their minds include plant life.
Water is a valuable resource as well. We have some water crisis issues in this country and in a dry year we cannot afford the lost supply of 2-3% fluctuation. We know from current prices that even a 1 to 2% fluctuation in supply of our imported oil for gasoline and diesel mean huge price spikes at the pumps. Can you imagine moving into a drought period even a few years long after committing ourselves to 12% biofuels by way of legislative mandate? Let’s look at the biofuels debate from a reality based solution basis, not from a Utopian Dream concept. Growing our own fuel would be a wonderful idea, but let’s be smart about it.
"Lance Winslow" - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; Lance is an online writer in retirement.


Indonesia Agriculture Research Institute (LRPI) currently developing alternative bio-diesel energy that directed as a Fuel (BBM). Some time ago LRPI have found that bio-diesel produced from plant oil palm.
Bio-diesel is Environmental friendly and very cheap. Bio-diesel can replace the position of fossil oil price which getting more expensive and increasingly rare. Indonesia has a very large potential to produce bio-diesel and bio-ethanol. Both the fuel are produced from various plants of Indonesia. Thus, there is no reason not to develop bio-diesel energy.
Bio-diesel is a liquid material formulated specifically for diesel engines made from vegetable oil (bio-oil). Users do not require engine modifications. Composition with a mixture of 5-20% for different vehicles ranging from trucks, buses, tractors and machinery industry can use this. Bio-diesel. Bio-diesel can be produced from plants that contain fatty acid such as palm oil, the distance the fence, coconut, sirsak, black seed strawberry, and kapok.
The price of bio-diesel is cheaper than solar. Solar price of industry per liter Rp 5300, - while the price of pure bio-diesel is only Rp 3500, -. Total bio-diesel requirement at this time kiloliter reach 4,120,000 / year. While the ability of bio-diesel production in 2006 a new 110,000 kiloliter / year. In 2007 planned production capability will be increased to 200,000 kiloliter / year. Producer-producer is also another plan will operate in 2007. So that production capacity will reach about 400,000 kiloliter / year.


Biofuel is one of the alternative energy of fossil fuels that consider more currently. But most of us do not know what it is and what the positive and negative of bio fuel and the negative side of biofuel production that we need to know. Moreover, many Indonesian oil palm highlighted as a source of biofuel which is considered not good.
What is biofuel?
Biofuel can be made from organic materials that can be developed quickly. Two major biofuel type in the market are liquid oil of bio-diesel and bio-ethanol made from living organisms, such as plants and animals. Comparing with fossil fuels, biofuel is a renewable energy source that can be updated and sustainable, is also one of the few technologies that replace the use of fuel oil for the transportation.
From which we obtain it?
Most biofuel is used at this time comes from agriculture. Each country specializes in certain types of biofuel, depending on the climate. Processed in the European biofuel from rapeseed (Brassica napus), wheat, sugar cane, while in the United States are generally derived from corn and red beans (soybeans). Sugar cane tend to grow in Brazil, and coconut oil mostly from Southeast Asia. However, at this time arrived on the second generation biofuel - the making of biofuel source material to a wider, including substance-organic substances, the remaining food, wood, household waste, can be processed into biofuel. Here, all the agricultural products can be used so that we can be efficient in the reduction of carbon gas. But experts believe that need five to ten years to make a commercial run. Also they have high expectations on the algae and jatropha, bushes poisonous plants that grow in the United States, Africa and Asia. Even products such as chocolate, candy, and potato crisp can turn into biofuel.
Why should biofuel?
Concerning on climate change, increasing oil prices and insecurity of supply oil make the government and industry explore alternative replacement. United States determined in 2025 to replace 75% oil with biofuel. The EU believes biofuel as a key factor in the reduction of carbon future, and target 10% of transportation fuel of biofuel in 2020.
The advantage of biofuel?
Biofuel is the updated source, supplies can be provided as needed, so that in theory is not limited in number and secure. Biofuel is not forbidden in many countries so that supplies can be restrained. Other advantage that biofuel can be used to run cars and machines of current technology.
Is biofuel environment friendly?
In theory, burning biofuel will release of the amount of carbon capture when it was still in form when the plants grow. If counted the amount of carbon produced when harvested, processed and distributed, it may still not good enough. However, this is still far less than the use of fossil fuels.
Are some biofuel are better than others?
the best Biofuel is, such as ethanol produced from sugar cane in Brazil, can produce 10 times energy from the energy needed to produce it, and release a quarter of carbon gas emissions than fossil fuels.
Instead, biofuel are not a good result in a lower energy, carbon emissions and contribute indirectly through the burning forest conversion and forest land to plant them. Biodiesel produced from palm oil in Indonesia is an example of bad biofuel.