Biofuel is one of the alternative energy of fossil fuels that consider more currently. But most of us do not know what it is and what the positive and negative of bio fuel and the negative side of biofuel production that we need to know. Moreover, many Indonesian oil palm highlighted as a source of biofuel which is considered not good.
What is biofuel?
Biofuel can be made from organic materials that can be developed quickly. Two major biofuel type in the market are liquid oil of bio-diesel and bio-ethanol made from living organisms, such as plants and animals. Comparing with fossil fuels, biofuel is a renewable energy source that can be updated and sustainable, is also one of the few technologies that replace the use of fuel oil for the transportation.
Biofuel can be made from organic materials that can be developed quickly. Two major biofuel type in the market are liquid oil of bio-diesel and bio-ethanol made from living organisms, such as plants and animals. Comparing with fossil fuels, biofuel is a renewable energy source that can be updated and sustainable, is also one of the few technologies that replace the use of fuel oil for the transportation.
From which we obtain it?
Most biofuel is used at this time comes from agriculture. Each country specializes in certain types of biofuel, depending on the climate. Processed in the European biofuel from rapeseed (Brassica napus), wheat, sugar cane, while in theUnited States are generally derived from corn and red beans (soybeans). Sugar cane tend to grow in Brazil , and coconut oil mostly from Southeast Asia . However, at this time arrived on the second generation biofuel - the making of biofuel source material to a wider, including substance-organic substances, the remaining food, wood, household waste, can be processed into biofuel. Here, all the agricultural products can be used so that we can be efficient in the reduction of carbon gas. But experts believe that need five to ten years to make a commercial run. Also they have high expectations on the algae and jatropha, bushes poisonous plants that grow in the United States , Africa and Asia . Even products such as chocolate, candy, and potato crisp can turn into biofuel.
Most biofuel is used at this time comes from agriculture. Each country specializes in certain types of biofuel, depending on the climate. Processed in the European biofuel from rapeseed (Brassica napus), wheat, sugar cane, while in the
Why should biofuel?
Concerning on climate change, increasing oil prices and insecurity of supply oil make the government and industry explore alternative replacement.United States determined in 2025 to replace 75% oil with biofuel. The EU believes biofuel as a key factor in the reduction of carbon future, and target 10% of transportation fuel of biofuel in 2020.
Concerning on climate change, increasing oil prices and insecurity of supply oil make the government and industry explore alternative replacement.
The advantage of biofuel?
Biofuel is the updated source, supplies can be provided as needed, so that in theory is not limited in number and secure. Biofuel is not forbidden in many countries so that supplies can be restrained. Other advantage that biofuel can be used to run cars and machines of current technology.
Biofuel is the updated source, supplies can be provided as needed, so that in theory is not limited in number and secure. Biofuel is not forbidden in many countries so that supplies can be restrained. Other advantage that biofuel can be used to run cars and machines of current technology.
Is biofuel environment friendly?
In theory, burning biofuel will release of the amount of carbon capture when it was still in form when the plants grow. If counted the amount of carbon produced when harvested, processed and distributed, it may still not good enough. However, this is still far less than the use of fossil fuels.
In theory, burning biofuel will release of the amount of carbon capture when it was still in form when the plants grow. If counted the amount of carbon produced when harvested, processed and distributed, it may still not good enough. However, this is still far less than the use of fossil fuels.
Are some biofuel are better than others?
the best Biofuel is, such as ethanol produced from sugar cane in Brazil, can produce 10 times energy from the energy needed to produce it, and release a quarter of carbon gas emissions than fossil fuels.
Instead, biofuel are not a good result in a lower energy, carbon emissions and contribute indirectly through the burning forest conversion and forest land to plant them. Biodiesel produced from palm oil inIndonesia is an example of bad biofuel.
the best Biofuel is, such as ethanol produced from sugar cane in Brazil, can produce 10 times energy from the energy needed to produce it, and release a quarter of carbon gas emissions than fossil fuels.
Instead, biofuel are not a good result in a lower energy, carbon emissions and contribute indirectly through the burning forest conversion and forest land to plant them. Biodiesel produced from palm oil in
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